
Theoretical studies (120,0 credits ECTS) consists of 40 % of classroom training (lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes) and 60 % of independent work of students. Study time is divided into cycles of disciplines: humanities and social economic training (5 credits ECTS), professional and practical training (54 credits ECTS), specialization subjects (39 credits ECTS), the choice of university courses (13 credits ECTS) and free choice students (9 credits ECTS). Pre-diploma practice lasts 4 weeks. Credits are awarded to a student when passed the written or oral tests and examinations, protected Academic Year Paper and Internship Report. Evaluation criteria listed in 4.4. Final state certification includes the protection of Qualification work (Master's Thesis).

Degree Structure for Bachelor of Chemical Technology and Engineering


Degree Structure for Bachelor, Specialist, Master of Science


Degree Structure for Master of Chemical Technology and Engineering